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The Difference Between Marine Tower Speakers and Traditional Speakers for Your Boat


And Where to Find Marine Audio Installation Near You When it’s Time to Upgrade

Springtime in San Diego means that many of us are preparing for the upcoming boating season. In fact, most boat owners have already started the process of cleaning and inspecting all the mechanical and electrical equipment to ensure their craft is seaworthy. Now is as good a time as any to have the engine professionally inspected along with smaller items like hoses, clamps, and lights.

It's also a good time to give some serious consideration to how you plan to upgrade your marine audio. Think back to last season. Were your speakers as loud or as powerful as they needed to be? Or were you constantly battling the sound of the wind, water, and engine noise?

If you find yourself sitting stationary or docked, then perhaps marine audio isn't a priority for you. However, for those that like to cruise the open waters and clearly hear their soundtrack over traditional boating noise, there are plenty of boat stereos and marine speakers that can elevate your marine audio game, and you can find them at San Diego Car Stereo.

One debate that several boat owners have is between marine tower speakers and traditional boat speakers. What are the differences? Is one truly better than the other?

Let's delve in a little deeper on this topic, so you can find the best marine speakers for you and your craft.

Marine Tower Speakers vs. Traditional Speakers – How They’re Installed

Marine tower speakers (aka wakeboard tower speakers) are installed on the bars that you would traditionally connect your wakeboard line to. Because marine tower speakers are exposed to the elements, they are typically built within a protective housing so that UV rays, wind, moisture, and salt don't infiltrate the unit. They use a special metal mounting to attach to your boat, which is often adjustable.

Traditional speakers, on the other hand, are typically installed in the dash or trim of the boat. Because they're not as exposed as marine tower speakers, their construction doesn't require the protective housing that marine tower speakers do. However, they are built to withstand typical boating elements such as UV rays and moisture.

When you begin shopping for marine audio installation near you, you can speak with your audio professional about where marine tower speakers or traditional speakers would be installed on your specific boat. Traditional boat speakers are easy to install. However, with marine tower speakers, you want to be sure that they are low profile and stay out of the way when it comes to your wakeboard line.

Marine Tower Speakers vs. Traditional Speakers – Which is More Powerful?

Although it's possible to get a powerful set of traditional speakers that are made to cut through traditional boating noise, they rarely hold a candle to the power and clarity of marine tower speakers. Quite simply, marine tower speakers are built to be heard in the most challenging conditions.

Not only are marine tower speakers a physically larger speaker, they generally tend to provide more wattage which equates to more power. Another thing working in the favor of marine tower speakers is that they are designed to provide a wider range of sound. No matter what part of the boat that you're standing in, you should be able to hear them clearly over the noise. In fact, most marine tower speakers can be heard clearly by other boats from long distances across the water. They're THAT powerful.

How to Select the Best Marine Speakers

Our official recommendation on choosing marine speakers is that you should have traditional speakers that are complemented by marine tower speakers, especially if you are a boater who likes to drive at high speeds and want to be able to hear over the noise. Although this may seem like a huge investment on your part, the good news is that plenty of quality marine tower speakers and traditional marine speakers cost about $200 per set.

To find the best marine speakers for you and your boat, simply drop by San Diego Car Stereo on Convoy Street. We have a large selection of marine tower speakers and traditional speakers on hand ready for you to test out. We also carry boat stereo systems and other marine audio accessories.

The best part is that once you pick out your marine audio products, one of our installation technicians can go to your boat to perform the install. This makes finding boat stereo installation near you super easy and convenient. Come see us at 4220 Convoy Street, or call us at (858) 569-0777 to learn more about your options.

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